July 12, 2015

Maisarah Loo

Artist Maisarah Loo is a self-taught Malaysian, painter of oil on canvas particularly for figures and portraits. Her artistic journey began in school as a child who loved to paint subject matters and sceneries that she encountered. She also plays the piano and loves travelling. She has travelled to over 30 countries experiencing the diversity of life and nature. She attended art courses in Madrid and Barcelona. Her artworks are characterized by the contrasting facial shapes and soft expressive compositions. The "Nyonya" painting is inspired by her interactions with diversed cultures, values and characters. It is now becoming her trademark in the `Captivating Nyonya Series' paintings. She blends her passion for painting with charitable cause and has donated two portrait paintings for auction at the International Women's Association of Kuala Lumpur charity dinner in November 2014. She has exhibited her artworks in group exhibitions including the Cultural Art Exhibition at Malaysia Tourism Centre (MATIC), the Local Artists Exhibition at Karyaneka Cultural Centre, Kuala Lumpur, the Artists Art Fair Malaysia 2015 at Stadium Chin Woo, Kuala Lumpur and the Afternoon of Attainable Art at KitaKita Art Café, Kuala Lumpur.

July 09, 2015

Sham bin Ahmad

Artis Sham bin Ahmad atau Shamahmad adalah pelukis Malaysia. Sham sekarang sedang meneruskan karyanya di Artis Koloni, Jalan Conlay, Kuala Lumpur. 

Karya seni Sham disampaikan secara Naive atau 'gaya lukisan keanakan'. Sham mendalami Naive melalui pelukis En Yusof Gajah di Artis Koloni, tahun 1999.

Pendapat Sham; tingkah-laku kanak-kanak adalah jujur, belum sepenuhnya dipengaruhi oleh sebarang peraturan. Perasaan marah, suka, benci, sayang, sedih, gembira, geram dan sayu tidak dapat disembunyikan.

Kebanyakan lukisan Sham bertemakan Bangunan Menara Kembar Petronas di Kuala Lumpur. Kata Sham, "bangunan ini adalah mercu tanda Malaysia, barangkali lebih masyhur dari siapapun ahli politik Malaysia". Sham memilih media Akrilik untuk karyanya.